Aren’t we all searching for the Fountain of Youth? In a world that perceives intelligence, status, and beauty by age, people are clamoring for the latest anti-aging secret. From low carbohydrate diets to Botox injections, everyone is waiting for the newest quick fix.

While, in reality, no one can be completely transformed overnight, there are some simple secrets that can assist in slowing down the aging process. By incorporating these secrets into your daily life, you can retain your youthful look and vitality much longer than you imagine!

Here are seven secrets that can keep you looking and feeling young:

1. Diet. Focus your diet on fruits and vegetables – organic, raw, and fresh whenever possible. Choose a variety of different types and colors to enjoy every day. Different colored fruits and vegetables represent different vitamins that your body needs.

* Raw fruits and vegetables also flush out toxins that your body may be harboring.

2. Exercise. This is common sense, but sense isn’t so common sometimes! Exercise is important for your body and mind. You don’t have to lift 100 lb weights or run a marathon, you just need to stay active. Whether that includes a daily walk, yoga, or swing dancing, do whatever it takes to keep your body moving.

* Exercise strengthens the heart – a key component in staying young.

3. Limit alcohol consumption. Alcohol dehydrates the body and weakens the liver. It’s your liver that flushes impurities from the body. If you want to stay young and vibrant for as long as possible, limit alcohol consumption.

* An occasional glass of red wine does have nutrients that can prevent heart attacks and other afflictions, so if you choose to indulge, a glass of red wine a day would be a good choice.

4. Quit smoking. Everyone knows that smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer and many diseases. If you’re a smoker and hope to live a long and fruitful life, stop smoking now before it’s too late.

* Joining a support group online or in your community will aid you in your quest to quit. There are programs that help you stick with your plan, as well as people who can give you the much-needed encouragement and help hold you accountable for your actions each day.

5. Limit sun exposure. Too much sun exposure not only causes lines and wrinkles, but also makes us appear older. In addition to those devastating effects, it also increases the chances for skin cancer.

* To help stop the aging process, stay out of the sun and be proud of your peaches and cream complexion.

6. Consider becoming a vegetarian. Though the final jury may still be out on the harmful effects of consuming meat, the reports of those who’ve stopped eating it are no less than astounding. At a minimum, limiting your consumption of meat will help slow down aging.

* Lower cholesterol and a lower risk of diabetes and heart disease are only a few benefits of a meatless diet.

7. Reduce stress. In today’s world of constant stress and pressure, you need to slow down and breathe. Large amounts of stress can age us more rapidly than we’d like to admit. Though very few of us can live a stress free existence, it’s beneficial to cut out as much stress as we can.

* Schedule free time, either by yourself or with your family, so you can do something enjoyable and relaxing.

Life is a gift and we want to enjoy it for as long as we possibly can. Though there are many scams and potions out there claiming to make you live forever, we know that this isn’t truly possible. Strive to implement these tried and true common sense tips in your daily life. They may not work instantaneously, but they’ll help slow down the aging process.