Say Goodbye to the Old Year the Right Way – Safely

With the old year on the way out and a New Year coming in, it’s important that you celebrate in moderation. It’s great to have fun, and there are plenty of safe things you can do to start the New Year out right. Strive to help your family and friends have a fun, safe New Year, as well.

Consider these options for safely ringing in the New Year with pizzazz:

1. Host a party for your friends and family members. When you have them at your home, they’ll avoid being out where there are drunk drivers and other hazards. Keep them safe by keeping them close to you.

* If your guests drink, make plans for them to stay the night so they won’t be drinking and then driving home. If you don’t have enough beds, have everyone bring sleeping bags and pillows. You’ll all be happier for it in the morning, safe and sound!

2. Volunteer somewhere on New Year’s Eve. There are a lot of people who are less fortunate than you. You can do something nice for them by just being there and showing them that they matter. This will start the New Year out with warm feelings for both of you!

3. Donate to a favorite charity in lieu of spending money on something frivolous to bring in the New Year. You can have a quiet night in. You’ll feel good in the morning and someone else will benefit from your generosity.

4. Figure out your goals and plans for the New Year. Preparing a budget, making a “bucket list” or spending time in quiet contemplation are all great ways to start the New Year out right without a lot of money, effort, or anxiety.

There’s nothing wrong with going out on New Year’s Eve, but that’s one night in which it’s far safer to stay home. And your children or friends will thank you for simply being there with them. Reminiscing with friends about the great times you’ve had together can help you look forward to what the New Year will bring.

The New Year Awaits You

One good reason to have a safe New Year’s Eve is that the New Year is waiting for you! Start it with energy and vitality by making safe choices that leave you ready for a fresh start. Start the New Year with enthusiasm for all it has to offer you and joy for the fact that you’re still around to experience more of what life has to offer.

Let go of past hurts and disappointments. Sure, they might have been upsetting, but they’re in the past now. You can move forward in a new direction instead of letting them cloud your future. Keep your heart open for joy, peace, love, and adventure.

When you allow the good things of life into your heart, it’s much easier to move forward as challenges arise. Even the happiest people struggle sometimes, but being well-prepared for everything means that you’ll have a much higher chance of staying happy and moving into the New Year with grace, hope and positive expectancy.