I do more than search for peace; I create it.

I am at peace with others. I seek every opportunity to spread harmony to those around me. Instead of searching for the perfect location or the perfect time to get away from the noise, I create peace for myself right where I am.

Sometimes, I think that if I could only beat one more deadline, or if the kids would stay asleep one more hour, then I would be able to rest. The truth is that life hardly ever comes with built-in breaks between responsibilities.

If I want to enjoy rest and relaxation, then I must create it. My state of peace begins in my mind. When I close my eyes, ignore my surroundings, and envision myself in the arms of peace, I can take myself there.

My ride to work could be a chaotic time of rushing through traffic and intense tension about being late, but I choose to leave my house on time and use my morning commute to listen to easy music and meditate.

The time I spend in my car is a time for me to clear my head by envisioning the blessings that I intend to attract that day.

I may not get to go to a spa, beach, or desert to meditate, but I can connect with my inner-self right where I am.

A shower can easily turn into a beautiful time to release stress by singing. As I clean my physical body, I also cleanse my mind of all the emotional pressure I carry.

Today, I choose to create peace by turning mundane daily activities into opportunities for stress relief.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I turn a mundane daily task into a peaceful moment?
2. Can I identify time in my day where I can create rest and relaxation?
3. Do I wait for peace to come to me, instead of actively creating it?