When all else fails during my vacation, I can still smile.

When preparing to go on vacation, the first thing I am sure to pack is a positive attitude. Regardless of where I am going, I dress myself with cheer. I put on the garments of optimism and patience to sustain a positive attitude.

Traveling can be long and inconvenient, but positivity enables me to endure the challenges. I am flexible in matters of traveling to accommodate the unexpected. My desire to travel in peace overcomes the nuisances that may arise.

I remind myself of where I am headed. I envision myself enjoying the destination with my family. Whatever happens on the way is worth the relaxation time that I am prepared to enjoy.

During airports’ long security lines, I listen to relaxing music or strike up a conversation with a stranger. I enjoy meeting new people and listening to their stories. Instead of focusing on the inconvenience of the wait, I create entertainment for myself.

If flights get delayed or cancelled, I choose to focus on the fact that my family’s safety comes first. I prefer for my family to be safe than to arrive at my destination quickly. I keep in perspective that all things are replaceable except life.

As long as I am alive and healthy and I have my loved ones with me, I am able to smile. Lost bags, missed flights, or incorrectly printed directions are part of the adventure of traveling.

Today, I choose to smile in spite of my circumstances because my joy comes from within and is independent of my situation.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How does my point of view affect my overall mood?
2. Am I choosing to focus on insignificant or significant details?
3. What is my source of joy?