Going on vacation with my family helps me reconnect with them.

I look forward to taking time away with my family. There is a time for work, but there is also a time to let my hair down and have fun. Going on vacation with my family allows me to recharge the batteries of our bond.

When planning a vacation, I choose a location where every member of my family can find something that they like to do. My family members feel valued when their personal interests are taken into account.

While on vacation, I aim to spend the maximum amount of time possible interacting with my family. The television remains turned off to allow us time to connect.

I free myself from any thought about work that may be lurking near my mind. When I separate time for my family, I focus solely on them and put work aside. My work phone and computer remain turned off during family time.

Life goes at such a fast pace that sometimes I am unable to keep up with those whom I love most. Going on vacation together gives me a chance to catch up with my loved ones and spend quality time with them.

On vacation, I ask my children lots of questions to get to know them better. I actively listen to my kids when they speak. Although I have a planned itinerary, my family is more important than any plan.

Today, I am eager to go on vacation with my family. I am determined to make it happen and to have the best time we’ve ever had together.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How proficient am I at balancing my time for work and family?
2. How can I ensure that all family members enjoy our time together?
3. Why is family time important to me?