You know that your health is important, and that daily exercise can cut your risk of disease while dramatically increasing your energy. But how do you fit a workout into your busy schedule? Are you too tired after a hard day of work to take advantage of a gym membership? Thankfully, it’s possible to stay fit without missing a beat of your busy lifestyle.

Who needs expensive, cumbersome exercise equipment or the daily commute to the gym, when you can get valuable, heart pumping exercise almost anywhere?

Try these easy tips to get and stay fit around your home or workplace:

1. Take a walk. Walking is one of the most accessible forms of exercise. You can incorporate more steps into your day by simply walking around the block during lunchtime or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Even if you exercise regularly at a gym, walking can supplement your routine for more energy and a leaner body.

* Consider purchasing a pedometer that counts your steps. Wear it all day, and write down the number of steps you’ve taken at the end of the day. Each week, set a daily goal of steps and increase that goal each week. You’ll be surprised how your mind finds ways to get more steps into your daily routine.

2. Practice breathing exercises. As often as possible, focus on your breathing. Learning to relax and slow down your breathing will do wonders for your physical and mental health. You’ll handle stress better and meet the challenges of your life with more effective responses when you learn to relax under pressure by focusing on your breathing.

* You can focus on your breathing anywhere. When you’re stuck at a red light, use the time to relax, instead of getting frustrated at the delay. In between activities or duties at work, take a breathing break. And, when you start to feel stressed, take just a few seconds to breathe deeply and refocus on solutions.

* Close your eyes (if you’re not driving, of course), and slowly inhale through your nose. Then exhale slowly through your mouth, pause, and repeat a few times. Place your hand on your stomach, covering your belly button. If you’re breathing correctly, your hand will slowly rise and fall.

3. Drink lots of water and eat nutritiously. Drink as much water as possible to keep your body well hydrated and functioning at peak efficiency. Think of the food you put into your body as fuel for your life, and choose to fuel your body with high-energy foods that keep you fit.

* Eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. Fill your dinner plate with vegetables and a smaller portion of meat and carbohydrates. Eat fruits for an energy-producing alternative to candy bars or other sugary snacks.

4. Exercise for at least 10 minutes per day. You can exercise anywhere, without using special equipment. Examples of exercises you can do without a gym membership or expensive equipment are push-ups, skipping rope, stretches, and crunches. In as little as 10 minutes a day, you’ll notice a huge difference in how you look and feel.

5. Get plenty of rest. The amount of rest each person needs varies. The important thing is that you make it a priority to get to bed early enough that your body gets adequate rest. If you feel groggy every morning, consider going to bed earlier or finding a way to get in a short 15 to 30 minute power nap during the afternoon.

When you put these tips into practice, starting today, you’ll experience a greater sense of vitality and self-confidence. With these simple techniques, the only thing that stands between you and the new fit you is action!