Generally, most people go on vacation throughout the warm, summer months. But why would you want to spend a boatload of cash in order to escape your town’s sunny weather, in order to go to another part of the country – or world – with equally sunny skies?

Consider these benefits of taking your vacation in the fall or winter:

1. Discounted rates. Typically, airfares are cheaper throughout the winter months. If a holiday is nearing, airfare will undoubtedly increase, but if you go during off-peak months, such as September to early November, you’ll likely receive a significant discount.

* You can easily see the price difference by conducting a simple search on an online airfare finder. A roundtrip flight from New York to Orlando between September 29th, 2010 and October 5th, 2010 cost a mere $148. But by simply switching the dates to early July, the minimum airfare jumped to $230. That’s almost $100 savings per ticket!

2. Escape the bad weather. If you live in the northeast or another cold area of the country, your winters are likely extremely cold and snowy. Escaping the dark, icy weather in favor of a hot, steamy beach will surely brighten your spirits. Also, it’ll seem like your winter is shorter!

* Many people unknowingly suffer from seasonal depression. If you find yourself feeling down in the wintertime, get out of the cold and head to a tropical island! It’s the best way to beat winter depression.

3. Holiday escape. Will you finally be able to host Christmas dinner, or will your in-laws take over yet again? Will your mother criticize your cooking this Thanksgiving? Are you tired of all of the family holiday drama? If so, escaping with your spouse for a romantic holiday getaway is the perfect solution!

* For once, the holidays can be just about the two of you! Sneak away to Fiji for an incredibly romantic escape. Or simply rent a nearby log cabin where you can focus on nurturing the love and romance in your relationship rather than entrees, centerpieces, and gifts.

* Bring your kids along! You can still have an intimate family holiday with your children even if you’re away from your extended family. Give your children the chance to experience the world, the country, or even just your home state!

4. Give the kids a break. Yes, kids get a winter break every year, but if you’re like most parents, you’ll need to hire a babysitter to care for them throughout their winter vacation. This can definitely suck the fun out of winter break for children.

* If possible, talk to your neighbors or close friends with children in order to make it an annual neighborhood or friend holiday getaway. Your kids certainly will have more fun with more children around, and you and your spouse will enjoy your time with other adults for company.

* Consider heading to a resort that caters specifically to the needs of children, such as Smuggler’s Notch in Vermont. This resort features fun child-friendly activities, such as mini golf, disc golf, a water park, and llama treks. Or try the posh Three Forks Ranch in Wyoming, which offers snowmobiling, snowshoeing, dog sledding, and cooking classes.

Whether you’re hoping to save money, escape the holiday drama, or make the holiday season more enjoyable for your children, taking a late year vacation may be the right decision for you and your family.

After all, there’s no golden rule that says you must have a vacation in the summer. Winter fun can be just as exciting, and the fun can often come at a much cheaper price.