Choosing to bottle-feed my baby is the best choice for my family.

I make my decisions with the utmost care so I am well informed of my options. I know my decision to feed my baby formula instead of breast milk is the right one for my baby, my family, and me.

Whether I work outside of the home, produce too little milk, or simply choose to abstain from nursing, I have the right to make that decision for my baby.

I am a wonderful mother, because being a mom is about more than feeding; it’s about raising amazing children.

Inappropriate comments from others are easy for me to ignore. The only person responsible for making decisions about my children’s well being is me. No one else can determine what needs to be done with my body or inside my home.

My family supports my decision to bottle feed my baby. They love being able to participate in feedings. I see joy in the faces of my relatives when I allow them to help me with the baby.

I am confident that my baby is getting all the necessary nutrients from formula. I have researched different brands and chosen one that best meets my baby’s needs.

Just as with nursing, I hold my baby close and share a special bond during feeding. The bond I share with my baby is just as strong as any other mom’s.

Today, I choose to bottle feed my baby because it is the best fit for my family. Every decision I make is in the baby’s best interest, and this is just one of the many good decisions I make each day.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Am I confident in my ability to make decisions for my family?
2. How can I tune out criticism about my choices?
3. Where can I find support and meet other moms who choose to abstain from nursing?