Choosing to nurse my baby is the best for my family.

I am confident in my ability to make decisions for my family. My decision to nurse my baby is my choice. Regardless of what others think or say, I know I am doing what is right for my family.

I stay up to date on the latest research about babies and families by reading books, magazine articles, and information on the Internet. Talking to other moms also helps me gather information to make my own decisions.

Due to my thorough research, I am convinced that nursing is the right way for me to go. My family respects and supports my decision.

Nursing can be difficult at times, but I am determined to stick with it until I become proficient at it. Armed with knowledge and the tools I need to succeed, I take it one day at a time.

I am willing to change my diet in order to increase my milk supply. I am also willing to change my diet if something I eat causes my baby any discomfort.

I know where I can go to find help from a lactation consultant or other professional. There is a support group in my town that can assist me if I run into problems.

Nursing is a beautiful bonding time between my baby and me where we get to connect in a very special way.

Today, I choose to nurse my baby because it is the right choice for me. I am free from the pressure to impress someone else, and I support other moms who choose not to nurse.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How do I feel about nursing my baby?
2. What are the benefits of nursing?
3. How can I ignore criticism and feel confident about my choices?