The only person I can control is me. I let go of my tendency to try to control the opinions and decisions of others.

Just as I expect to have the right to express my own opinion, I must accept the fact that others may disagree with me from time to time.

At times, I wish I could take charge of a situation or control the outcome, but I know that is often outside of my control.

Nothing positive can come from agonizing over something that is out of my control. When the outcome is in the hands of someone else, all I can do is hope for the best and plan for the worst.

While I accept the situations that I cannot control, I actively seek solutions to the ones I can.

Family disputes are within my control. Work-related troubles may sometimes be within my control. However, political hardships or the behavior of another person are outside my area of control.

For my own sanity, I relinquish my grasp on situations that I have no say in. Unexpected incidents are a part of life. When life throws me curveballs, I handle them graciously.

When I am given lemons, I make fresh, tasty lemonade. And if that does not satisfy me, I make lemon pie! One way or another, I find a viable solution to my challenges.

There is always a positive aspect to every negative situation. By removing my emotions from the situation, I can begin to see things in a new light.

Today, I understand that certain situations are out of my control. The only person I have power over is me.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Am I controlling because I do not trust others to handle things correctly?
2. Is my opinion overbearing?
3. How can I improve the situations I can control?