I am creating an atmosphere of helpfulness in my home.

I teach my children to be helpful by setting an example. I help my children clean their rooms and pick up after themselves. When I help my children, I do it with a smile.

I refrain from giving my children mandatory commands in order to teach them to help out of love. Instead, I politely ask them for their help. My children help at home because they feel like they are part of something great.

The motive behind my children’s assistance is sincere care and concern for the well being of our household. Neither pressure nor fear plays a role in motivating my children to help.

When my children need help, they ask for it with the confidence that someone will come to their aid. I am teaching my children that keeping our home tidy is everyone’s responsibility.

I am fostering a heart of service in my children by teaching them that it feels good to help, even if they did not participate in creating the mess. Doing something for yourself is a responsibility; doing something for others is a pleasure.

It is important to me that everyone in my home helps out as much as they can without limiting themselves to simply doing their fair share. The character traits that my children exude are selflessness, helpfulness, and sincere care.

Today, I lead my family by example. I offer my assistance when someone is in need and watch others do the same for each other. The atmosphere in my home is peaceful because I have created a place where everyone loves to help.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How much do my children help around the house?
2. Do I help my children when they need me?
3. What can I do to promote a spirit of selfless service among my family?