I speak truthfully to my friends because I respect them. Our heartfelt conversations are filled with honest openness. When my friends speak to me, I’m a good listener.

I refrain from jumping to conclusions before hearing all the facts. I give my friends the benefit of the doubt in any situation. I assume the best of my friends. If a friend ever says or does something hurtful, I am quick to forgive and forget.

I treat my friends the way I want to be treated. I know how it feels to unintentionally hurt someone, which is why I am able to forgive my friends when they hurt me inadvertently. Instead of holding on to my pain, I let go so our friendship will remain strong.

When I speak about my friends I do so with love. I refrain from speaking negatively about my friends, even when I am upset with them.

When a friend and I fail to see eye to eye, I still honor them by keeping our dispute private. Any conflict that may arise is resolved between the two of us.

My friendships are based on mutual respect. The way I treat my friends is the way I expect to be treated as well. I stay away from people who are rude and judgmental, and I draw closer to people who make me feel welcome.

Today, I choose to strengthen my friendships by placing love and truth above all else. I choose to forgive offenses and then forget them altogether.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Why is it necessary to forgive my friends promptly?
2. How do I speak to others about my friends?
3. Are all of my relationships based on mutual respect?