My life is full of people who love me and want what is best for me. Instead of worrying about negative people, I devote my time and attention to those who are a positive influence in my life.

I know there are people I can call when I need to talk. I am blessed with friends who lend a listening ear and are quick to speak the truth when I am in need. I appreciate the people who are always there to encourage me when I need them.

I have friends and family who rejoice with me when I celebrate a success. I seek to be around these friends because success is sweeter when shared. I let go of concern over people who choose to envy me, rather than support me.

When I embark on a new risk, I hear the voices of my loved ones cheering me on in my thoughts. I hear them say they believe in me and I shut out negative voices from my mind.

There is no room in my thoughts for people who dislike me. I do what I can to live in harmony with others, but I understand there are people who are difficult to please. I relinquish my desire to please critical people.

I stay away from negative people to keep my spirit uplifted. I refuse to allow critical people to bring me down. As long as I know I have done my best, I am at peace with myself.

Today, I choose to be thankful for the people in my life who are true friends. As I reflect on my life, I remind myself how much I matter to those who love me.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Who are my encouraging friends?
2. Am I thankful for my friends?
3. How can I retrain my brain to block out the comments of critical people?