Getting enough rest is critical to my overall health and happiness. If I constantly deprive my body of rest, my body suffers. I make it a point to take breaks, slow down and put my feet up so I can refresh myself.

The more I rest, the better I feel. I am able to serve others better when I am well rested. It is sometimes important to put others before myself, but when it comes to rest, I have to take care of myself first in order to have the energy to care for others.

Like any other machine, my body needs to stop and recharge. Resting keeps my body from wearing out physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Regularly scheduling downtime reduces my stress level.

In order to be able to get enough rest, I watch what I eat. Proper nutrition affects my ability to enjoy a good night’s sleep. A daily exercise regimen that increases my heart rate for at least 20 minutes improves how I feel and how much rest I can get.

Organization is another key to being able to relax and rest. Keeping my home organized and my responsibilities in order allows me to enjoy peace of mind. It is hard to rest when I am thinking about deadlines or when I am surrounded by clutter.

Today, I choose to make rest a priority. I turn off distractions that keep me from getting adequate rest. I am free from guilt when I rest because I understand that rest is not a luxury; it is one of my responsibilities to maintain a healthy body.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What can I do to get more rest?
2. How can I avoid feeling guilty about getting rest?
3. Why is it important that I rest enough?