When I give my word, I keep it because I am a trustworthy person. In everything I do, I choose truth over a lie because honesty is always the best choice.
If I commit to doing something, I complete it quickly before my time is filled with other tasks and I forget about my commitment. I leave reminders in plain view where I can see them so I can be reminded of my task.
I keep myself organized by using any tools available to remind myself of my commitments. I set alarms on my phone and computer to remind myself of important upcoming events or due dates.
When I give my word, I make a promise. I give my word with every intention of fulfilling it. If I ever doubt that I will be able to complete a task or make a deadline, I simply say it upfront before agreeing to the task.
When I agree to something, I do it because I want to and because I know I can fulfill it. I am free from the need to be agreeable simply to appease others. I would rather say “no” to a request than to say “yes” and then fail.
My word is important to me because it says a lot about my character. People take me seriously because they trust me to keep my word. My reputation as a person of integrity precedes me.
Today, I choose to value and respect my word and honor others by speaking openly with them. I refrain from committing to tasks I cannot fulfill.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. Have I been living up to my word?
2. What motivates me to take on more tasks than I may be able to complete?
3. How can I help myself keep my deadlines in order?