I’m free to enjoy rich, meaningful relationships without the pressures of a long-term commitment. Instead, I immerse myself in the moment, thoroughly participating in every relationship without fear or worry about the future.

My happiness depends on the decisions I make in every area of my life and I stay away from overemphasizing the romantic part of my life. I’m a success in my career, friendships, and many other areas. I choose to be single because that is what is best for me at this time.

A wonderful marriage and healthy relationship may be part of my destiny, but for now, I am happy where I am. I am content to live as a single person – free to enjoy all that life has to offer me.

When I come home at night, my house is exactly in the same condition as I left it. I absolutely adore the privacy of being single!

I can come and go as I please. I am able to go out on a whim with friends for a few drinks or even an impromptu weekend in Vegas! Sure, people that are married can likely do the same things, but they must consider the needs and feelings of others before they do. I live a life free from these constraints.

I command my own life and make my own decisions. I am a self-sufficient adult with confidence, energy, and a zest for life. I embrace my freedom and the ability to choose my own path.

Today, I value the beauty of my life. My life is 100% mine because I am able to live by my own rules and values!

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What are the great things I can embrace about being single?
2. How can I maximize the excitement in my life?
3. How can I satisfy my need for companionship and close friendships by meeting others with similar interests?