Dreams are a valuable part of my life. I see the beauty and importance of having dreams to hold onto.

My dreams come true because I am focused on what it takes to achieve them. I know that some dreams take time. But I prepare myself now, so I will be ready when they come to pass. I know my dreams are being realized.

Every day, I move closer to my dreams. I keep them in the forefront of my mind, and I work toward them. Even small steps matter. I avoid giving up when things don’t seem to be moving fast enough. I know that my present and future are meeting up just the way they should. My preparations are helping my dreams come true.

I am ready for my dreams. I see the value of them and I know that they’re important. Others see my dedication and appreciate it. I inspire others to realize and prepare for their own dreams. My life is happy and I want to help others experience this happiness, too. I know I am able to handle the challenges and joys that come to me.

As my dreams come true, I revel in the joy that I feel. I love accomplishing my goals and seeing my dreams come to pass. I continue to appreciate what I have, even as I strive to build my life into something more.

Today, I see my dreams coming to pass and I am ready for them.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I keep my dreams alive?
2. What can I do to be ready when my dreams come true?
3. How can I give away joy and dreams to others?