I remain true to my personality regardless of criticism from others.

I am free of obligation to care about what other people think. I value my opinion and values more highly than those others share with me.

The fact that others share their opinion about my life demonstrates to me that they care about me. I consider their assessment of my situation, but I am free to make my own decisions.

While others are speculating on the way I choose to live my life, I am actually living it!

I enjoy my privacy and keep my distance from those who tell me how I should live. I surround myself with positive people who encourage me to chase after my dreams. Being around positive people reminds me that anything is possible for me.

I remain true to my personality, even if it means that I must lose contact with a few acquaintances because of our differences. My personality is an asset I use every day to enhance my personal relationships and move myself closer to the dreams in my heart.

Sometimes, I choose to make unconventional decisions. I seek the counsel of wise people around me, but in the end I am the one that has to live with the consequences. I take responsibility for my own decisions.

I support the individuality of others, instead of criticizing their life choices. Everyone is different, and our individual differences should be celebrated. I am a positive, uplifting person to everyone I meet regardless of the differences between us.

Today, I live my life according to my standards. I am confident in myself and my ability to make sound decisions for my future.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Do I surround myself with positive, uplifting people?
2. Have I lovingly conveyed my feelings to others about their intrusive behavior?
3. Am I respectful of my friends, family and acquaintances?