I like to regularly engage in physical activity because it’s the perfect outlet for releasing stress. Obviously, exercising on a regular basis provides incredible health benefits, which is certainly an added bonus!

I release my stress in a healthy way by using fitness as my outlet. Exercising is the perfect tension reliever because it allows me to physically exert pent up frustration, stress, and negative energy.

When I feel stressed due to work-related situations or everyday life, I like to go for a speed walk, run, or lift weights. These are quick exercises that help me boost my mood immediately.

On occasion, when I feel frustrated, I opt for more physically demanding activities, such as kickboxing, karate, or even dancing.

I ensure that physical activity is a guaranteed part of my week. For this reason, I maximize the worth of my gym membership by going to the gym three to four times each week. I also take advantage of the beautiful scenery in my town by jogging or walking outdoors.

I am aware that stress takes its toll on my mood. However, I strongly believe that it’s wrong to be disrespectful toward others simply because I am stressed. Therefore, to help me stay positive in my interactions, I exercise.

Today, I make it a point to release my stress by going for a brisk walk or a jog. I enjoy feeling the cool breeze of the wind on my face while taking in the calming sights and soothing smells of nature.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How do I typically relieve my stress?
2. Do I often lash out at others simply because I am in a bad mood?
3. What exercises work for me to relieve the amount of stress I feel?