The mental stress you face on a daily basis can often be more challenging to overcome than physical stress. Sometimes, holding onto the mental stresses you face seems like the only option available. But you can learn to let go of this type of stress, and find more happiness than you ever expected.

If you identify the cause, you can stop the negative effects of stress in your life. Is there something or someone in your life that’s causing you this anxiety? You may need to make some challenging, but empowering, decisions regarding your job, personal relationships, and who you spend time with.

People in Your Life Can Cause Stress

The people in your life can cause you a lot of stress. Some people thrive on drawing you into their drama. When you get lured into that dynamic, you can live stressed out just because you’re concerned about them and their life.

If you have family members you care for, there are practical steps you can take to steer clear of the drama. Try distancing yourself from them, instead of always being available at a moment’s notice. They may stop relying on you to cushion their blows of life and you’ll experience some relief from the anxiety and worry.

Situations Can Also Be Stressful

Sometimes work, caring for a sick or elderly family member, having financial trouble, or other concerns can cause you to feel harried. It’s common to get stressed out when something like that is a large part of your life, but you can find constructive ways to deal with the concerns you’re facing so you can keep your peace.

When you end up in a situation or around a person that causes you stress, focus on the things that really matter. Is it worth getting upset about? If it really is worth worrying about, what can you do to make things smoother, ease the worry, or change the situation?

Consider these options to reduce your stress:

1. Seek solutions. Talk with the people in your life who cause you stress to look for solutions together.

2. Let go. Letting go of a negative relationship that’s troublesome, problematic, or just plain unhealthy can benefit both of you if you can’t turn it into a positive force in your life.

3. Switch jobs or locations. If your working conditions are volatile or consistently upset you regardless of what you do to rectify the situation, looking for another job or switching locations may be the answer you’re looking for.

4. Ask for help. Seek help with difficult situations, regardless of what kind of challenge you face. Confiding in a trusted friend, family member, or counselor can help relieve your stress and sort out solutions.

5. Take time to de-stress. Schedule time to relax, let go of problems, and recharge. Do your favorite activities or hobbies in your “me” time, meditate, or just take a nap – whatever works best to relax you.

For some people, getting rid of – or at least lessening – mental stress is easier than it is for others. If you find that you’re having serious trouble letting go of stress in your life, see a professional who can help you.

Above all, commit to living a more peaceful life. The peace and joy you deserve are right around the corner. When you make a conscious decision to start letting go of mental stress, you’ll be better able to see the joy in your life again.