Each day, I dream new dreams and take action to achieve my goals. Because I focus on these things, I have courage for the future. I stay strong and know that I can achieve anything I set my mind to. My dreams and goals help keep me brave and moving forward.

I get courage from my dreams and I see myself as successful. Through visualization, I know I can accomplish what I desire and move boldly in the direction of my dreams. I have confidence in my ability to achieve the things that are important to me.

I am strong because of my goals. Each goal I reach gives me more confidence for the future, and shows me I can do even more. Every time I meet a goal, I feel pride in my ability to do something I set out to accomplish.

When I miss a goal, I re-evaluate and try again. I avoid discouragement by forging ahead with an alternate plan to reach that goal. I know I can get to where I want to be, even if it takes a little longer than I expect.

My life is better because of my dreams and goals. I am stronger and braver because I work toward the things that matter to me. Each day is a new opportunity for strength, courage, peace, and joy because of my goals and dreams.

Today, I follow my dreams and work toward my goals to make my life even better.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I stay strong and courageous in a difficult world?
2. What is the best way for me to set achievable goals?
3. How can I best accomplish my dreams and meet my goals?