Just as a pillar supports a house, my marriage lifts me up, supporting me with its strength and solidarity.
I love my spouse more than anything in this world. I consider my partner to be a personal blessing to share my life with. I am certain that my spouse loves me as well.
At some point, every relationship encounters trials and tribulations. When my partner and I encounter these challenges, we are resilient and bounce back from all difficulties. When things get tough, I work together with my spouse to help create the unstoppable force we are.
I continually seek to meet my partner’s needs. My trust and love for my spouse grows each day as I continue to invest in our relationship. I am deeply committed to my spouse.
My children are a direct product of the eternal love, devotion, and dedication of my marriage. I enjoy parenting our children. My spouse and I consult each other to gain the wisdom of insight that comes from both of our life experiences.
Today, I reflect on the ebbs and flows of my marriage with a smile. Through the ups and downs of life, my spouse and I remain a united force. I know that, together, we can scale the highest mountains, swim the widest rivers, and overcome anything.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. Have I told my spouse, “I love you” today?
2. What steps can my spouse and I take today to cultivate greater trust and intimacy?
3. Do my spouse and I have a “team effort” or a “to each his own” perspective on marriage?