I am a valuable individual with a unique set of desirable skills. The combination of my academic preparation and my lifes experiences make me the perfect candidate for any job I desire. The professionalism, substance, and passion that I bring to my work are evident in my resume.

My resume is well written. It is free from typos, errors, and inaccurate information. The piece of paper I hand to prospective employers is something I am proud of because it tells my story. The presentation of my resume is clean and aesthetically pleasing.

My objective is clearly stated on my resume. I am a team player and a life-long learner. I seek to benefit the team as I cultivate my own talents. Opportunity is my target. I aim high and fearlessly launch myself like an arrow toward my goal.

My educational history reflects my pursuit of excellence. I am confident about the reputation of my educational institutions. The quality of my education surpasses employers expectations. I am reaping the rewards of my hard work as a student.

My life experience equips me with knowledge about the type of work I perform. I continually seek to place myself in situations where I can expand my knowledge through personal experience.

Armed with my personal skills, I can achieve anything I set out to do. My resume is an accurate snapshot of who I am. I am a hardworking person, devoted to success.

Today, I present my resume to potential employers with confidence. I am proud of who I am as reflected on my resume.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. When was the last time I edited my resume?
2. Am I proud of the way my resume is presented?
3. What can I do to improve the quality of my resume?