My heart is filled with gratitude. I am humbled to think of the things that have been given to me for no reason other than love. Like the cool, refreshing water of a spring, my Creator has poured overflowing blessings into my life.
When I make myself aware of the goodness that surrounds me, I am filled with joy. Sadness flees from my heart the minute I begin to take an inventory of the positive all around me.
Gratitude is my ultimate natural high. The more grateful I am, the higher I rise. The higher I rise, the smaller my constraints begin to appear. Gratitude allows me to see situations from a bird’s eye view, bringing me peace of mind.
When the clouds of gloom and negativity linger over my soul, my grateful attitude clears the skies and brightens my day like a ray of sunshine. As I focus on my blessings, I realize that I have nothing to complain about. Instead, I replace complaint with cheer.
Peace fills my heart when I remember and give thanks over past situations I have been able to overcome. I cant help but feel secure when I see all that I have been given. I know that my needs are always met.
Today, I choose to look at my life with gratitude. I give thanks for what I have been given and the blessings to come in the future. Peace calms my soul as I realize how blessed I am.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How can I turn a present constraint into a declaration of gratitude?
2. Why is it important to be thankful?
3. How do I feel when I make an inventory of my blessings?