I follow the way of peace and run from the path of confusion. I have peace with every step I take. I may not always be certain about where I am heading, because I don’t know everything, but I always trust my inner sense of direction.

I take risks without violating my peace. When I am uneasy about a situation, it means that I need to wait before making a decision. I would rather delay an action than take a wrong action. I stand still until peace leads the way.

I have a heightened sense of awareness of my conscience. When I hear my conscience calling out to me, I obey. My conscience is a gift placed in me by my Creator as a compass, to keep me headed in the right direction.

I am strong enough to do the right thing, even when I don’t want to, because I have my emotions under control. I am in charge of the thoughts on which I allow my mind to dwell. Instead of living by my emotions, my emotions are subjected to my will.

Every decision I make must be approved by my conscience. Losing sleep and feeling regret are strong signals that something is wrong. When those signals begin to flash, I proceed with extreme caution.

I stop to do some honest self-reflection and guide myself back to a path that restores my peace. When I separate my rational brain from my irrational desires, I make better decisions.

Today, I choose to follow the path of peace. I separate myself from anything that causes confusion and I pursue clarity.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Am I at peace with my recent decisions?
2. Can I recognize the voice of my conscience in decision-making time?
3. Do I allow my emotions to lead me or do I follow peace?