I don’t have to do everything and be everything.
My life is so much more relaxed and pleasurable when I let go of the need to do everything myself. In addition, I actually enjoy more success when I let…
My life is so much more relaxed and pleasurable when I let go of the need to do everything myself. In addition, I actually enjoy more success when I let…
I let go of perfection, knowing that it is an impossible goal. Instead, I embrace the goodness of who I am - faults and all. After all, only my Creator…
I dare to focus only on the job at hand. I allow myself the luxury of total concentration. When I tune out distractions and live fully in the moment, I…
"One step at a time" is my mantra. It enables me to reach my goals and overcome any challenge. I am confident in knowing that success is mine for the…
Everyone has imperfections. It's part of who we are! How boring life would be if we were all perfect. It would be like a world without color! I accept my…
I love expanding my horizons! Each morning when I awake, I ask myself, "What can I do today to accomplish more, strengthen my abilities, and increase my knowledge?" I find…
I can use all the self-care tools in my toolbox to take me further. I know that the better I take care of myself, the better I am prepared for…
I can release my feelings of trying to control everything. I can go with the flow. I acknowledge that the only person I have complete control over is me! I…
I believe that what I send out comes back to me many times over. When I help others, I am helping myself. Often what I send out comes back in…
I anticipate changes and I am open to thrilling new experiences. I love having an exciting life full of new adventures! I prefer the changes that come along with new…