There will always be worries in life. How I handle those worries is up to me, and I choose to handle them well.
Worries are easy for me to deal with because I know bothersome situations are only temporary. Worries always pass so I allow them to float away.
I am strong, brave, and able to dispel worries with a single thought. Instead of worrying over things, I make plans to overcome any challenges I see. I move forward confidently, without fear or concern. I know I can handle my life.
Anything that comes my way is okay, because I know I can deal with life. I accept the twists and turns that life gives me. I find ways to make lemons into lemonade, and use any worries to spur me forward rather than hinder me.
I make bold choices and take reasonable risks. I get ahead in life and accomplish my dreams and goals. I refuse to be held back by fear. Moving forward bravely is the only way to go and it is the way I choose to live my life.
I am comfortable with the way my life is working out. I know all things are for my ultimate good, even if they are scary at the time. I am brave and strong and I can conquer my worries each day.
Today, I release all my fears and worries and accept only peace and joy.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How can I have fewer worries in my life?
2. What can I do to stay positive in any situation?
3. How can I encourage others to let go of their fears and worries?