My personality is a magnet for fulfilling relationships. People want to be around me because I make them feel good about themselves. I always find myself in good company.
I refrain from judging or criticizing others because it pushes people away. Instead, I greet everyone I meet with a bright smile and an air of positivity. I extend the kind of friendship to others that I want to have for myself.
I am trustworthy and genuine in every way. I speak to others openly and honestly. When I engage in conversation, I make eye contact to assure the other person that I am being sincere.
I am fearless in initiating conversations. The best way to get to know someone is by taking a chance and just starting a conversation. I embrace small talk as a way to get others to open up.
My body language communicates positivity to others. I stand tall without crossing my arms as a gesture to others that I am happy to spend time with them.
It is important that others know that they are interesting to me and that I care about what they have to say.
Today, I choose to be friendly and warm by smiling and being open to others. I make time for others and slow my busy routine, because relationships are the core of everything.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How can I use my body language to communicate interest?
2. What can I do to initiate more conversations?
3. What steps can I take to make more time for others?