I am healthy and deserve the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

My body is a valuable temple for my soul and so I treat it with the utmost respect. Taking care of my body has allowed me to enjoy my life to the fullest.

To keep myself hydrated, I drink plenty of water during the day. I eat a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables. To prevent toxins from entering my system, I prefer to eat organic foods. My diet is made complete by the rich vitamins and minerals that I take.

I control my urges, doing all things in moderation. I stay away from harmful drugs. Addictions are powerless against me. I take charge of my health because I want to have a long life to share with my loved ones.

My life reflects my hard work. I enjoy my active lifestyle, free from aches and pains, because I take care of my body. I am able to play with my children without worrying about my health. I can exercise without getting out of breath because my heart is healthy.

Generational diseases in my family are minimized because I have taken the initiative to guard my body. When it comes to caring for my health I am on the offensive. I do not wait until something happens before I actively defend my health.

As a result of my lifestyle choices, I have the freedom to do more. I deserve the benefits of a healthy lifestyle because I work hard to maintain supreme health.

Exercise releases endorphins into my brain that act as antidepressants, making me feel happier. And so, I am constantly in a good mood. Being healthy allows me to enjoy fulfilling relationships and produce quality work. I am a better person because I take care of my body.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How do I take care of my body?
2. What are some lifestyle changes that I can make in order to be healthier?
3. What is my motivation for being healthy?