I graciously overcome the challenges of being a single parent.
Being a parent is by far the most rewarding role I have yet to experience in life. As joyous as parenting may be, it also presents challenges to a single parent.
I am the sole breadwinner for our family. I am both mommy and daddy. I am there at every game and parent teacher conference, yet manage to earn a fulltime living and keep a tidy home.
At times, I feel worn out. I feel stretched thinner than a rubber band. I feel as if the day needs 40 hours instead of 24. But raising my babies is definitely worth the struggle. Seeing their faces after a long day validates that my hard efforts are indeed worthwhile.
Sure, my life would certainly be easier if I had a partner to share the bills with. However, I would much rather raise my children alone than do it in bad company!
I refuse to feel sorry for myself, because I have a fine life. I am blessed with healthy, lively children. Every night, I put food on the table for our family and we have a sturdy roof over our heads.
I have stopped comparing my life to others, because there is simply no comparison.
I am no longer jealous because my friend has granite countertops, heated floors, or a larger backyard. I am glad that she can afford such luxury. However, my family is very content with our humble abode.
Today, I recognize that I am doing the best I can. My best is good enough and fulfills my needs and those of my family perfectly well.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. Do I carve out enough time for myself?
2. If I am struggling financially, can I seek a higher paying job?
3. Do I spend enough quality time with my children in my free time?