I maintain my appearance not because of vanity, but because it grants me confidence.

When I look good, I feel good. When I look professional, I feel professional, and therefore give off a professional demeanor.

I style my hair on a daily basis, keep impeccable hygiene, iron my clothes before heading out the door, and maintain my weight. These are seemingly small efforts, but they make a world of a difference in the manner I present myself to others!

My spouse enjoys that I make a conscious effort to look good. While most of our friends are letting go of their appearances because they are “too busy” to care, I am turning back the clock with each day that passes. The attraction and passion in our relationship continues to increase, in part, because of my efforts toward my appearance.

Each morning I look sharp and confident in myself as I walk into my office. I am certain that my managers take notice, as do the clients. My polished appearance and confidence are sure to benefit my career come promotion time!

I ooze confidence. When you look this good, confidence is impossible to hide.

Today, I look into the mirror and smile at my reflection. I maintain my appearance because it gives me a boost of confidence in all of the right moments.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Is there anything I can do to polish my appearance?
2. Do I allow my physical insecurities to stop me from caring about the way I look?
3. What direct benefits can I receive from maintaining my appearance?