My body is aging, but there are habits I can form today to keep me young. Regardless of my current age, body type, and weight, I am well able to maintain a healthy lifestyle because I owe it to myself.

Staying active shields my body from diseases and allows me to live life to the fullest. A high level of activity improves my overall physical and emotional health by increasing my body’s natural production of endorphins. I am ready to live my best!

My time has come to eliminate excuses. I am committed to living a better life from this day forward. I make changes to my lifestyle today so I can better enjoy my life, including my family, in the future.

The adjustments I am making to my routine allow me to stay healthy and strong. I am free from the exhausting effects of idleness. I am able to interact with my loved ones with high energy.

To ensure success, I set goals for myself. I have written goals for where I want to be 3 months from now, as well as long term goals.

In order to stay on the path to success, I think of all the things that have gotten in my way in the past. Armed with a plan of attack, I prepare myself to overcome those obstacles. I envision myself reaching my ultimate goal.

Today, I choose to launch myself into a better life by increasing my physical activity. Engaging in even the simplest form of activity brings me one step closer to a lifestyle of high energy.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What are the benefits of a healthy lifestyle?
2. Why should I take care of my health?
3. How do I feel when I exercise?